Kevin van As


Help alien dinosaurs rebuild the city in a multiplayer AR game.




Creative Director

Unity Developer

Game Designer

Level Designer



September 2021


Alien baby dinosaurs have "borrowed" their parents' spaceship and accidentaly crash landed on Earth, destroying one of its major cities. Feeling very sorry for their mischief, the dinosaurs team up with the players to rebuild everything exactly the way it was. Or something close to it, anyway…

Built for HoloMoves and De Hoogstraat Revalidatie, Torenhoog was designed for children ages 13 through 18 undergoing severe physical rehabilitation treatment. Played on the Microsoft HoloLens 2, the game tasks players with grabbing building pieces and stacking them to achieve various goals while managing the structure's stability. The game supports 2-player multiplayer for both cooperative and versus play. Taking on the role of the dinosaurs' parents, players see eachother as a large dinosaur which can be customized with various skin colours, hats and accessoires.

  • — TASKS

Core gameplay and level design.

Presenting and developing pitches for the initial concepts as well as presenting progress updates to physical therapists, doctors and shareholders.

Developing both games using Unity, C#, Mixed Reality ToolKit 2 and Photon.

Creating and managing roadmaps for the project, maintaining a schedule with the product owner, hiring people for the project and briefing co-workers on their tasks.

Preparing and managing playtesting sessions with patients and therapists.