Kevin van As

Smashball & Ruimte Duikelen

Microsoft HoloLens 2 games for rehabilitation.



Ruimte Duikelen


Game Designer

Unity Developer

Project Manager

Level Designer


Oktober 2020


Produced simultaneously over a period of just 4 months, Smashball and Ruimte Duikelen were developed for HoloMoves together with De Hoogstraat Revalidatie. Both games were developed to motivate and activate patients suffering from spinal cord injury during the early weeks of their rehabilitation.

Depending on their injuries, rehabilitants have varying degrees of control of their hands, arms and torso. In order to challenge players with high upper body mobility I designed Smashball, which has players use holographic paddles to bounce back balls fired at them to hit targets for a high score. Ruimte Duikelen on the other hand has players use their wits and spatial awareness to guide astronaut Neil to his space rocket in increasingly puzzling levels. Both games focus on creating an environment where players use their body to the best of their ability, get comfortable using their wheelchair and enjoy an immersive experience.

  • — TASKS

Core gameplay and level design from concepting through release.

Presenting and developing pitches for the initial concepts as well as presenting progress updates to physical therapists, patients and doctors.

Developing both games in Unity, C#, Mixed Reality ToolKit 2 and the HoloMoves framework for AR.

Creating and managing roadmaps for the projects, maintaining a schedule with the product owner and briefing co-workers on their tasks.

Preparing and managing playtesting sessions with patients and therapists.